Logistics Technician (m/f) Lehre & Beruf

Logistics Technicians are responsible for logistics operations
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Bildungsweg: Duale Ausbildung

Empfohlener Schulabschluss: Realschulabschluss / Mittlere Reife

Ausbildungsdauer: 3 Jahre

Logistics Technician (m/f) Lehre & Beruf

Logistics Technicians are responsible for all aspects of the Logistics Supply Chain. They ensure that all products are produced and delivered on time and in line with customer requirements.

Wie werde ich Logistics Technician (m/f)?

For a Logistic Technician apprenticeship you should contribute the following skills:

  • excellent communication skills
  • logical thinking
  • able to work independently
  • team spirit
  • discipline
Hilfreiche Fähigkeiten
  • Teamfähigkeit
  • Logisches Denken

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